Exempt Medical Cannabis Patients from Drug Driving Charges

Photo by Elsa Olofsson.

The Road Safety Act 1986 is severely impacting thousands of Victorian medical cannabis patients. Tens of thousands of Victorian residents are prescribed medical cannabis by their doctor, but risk fines and loss of licence due to the current laws. We should not criminalise those who are legally prescribed medications, who are unimpaired and can drive safely. That is how we treat every single other prescription medicine and medical cannabis should be no different.

The Petition to Amend the Road Safety Act 1986 calls for an exemption to medical cannabis patients, requesting that the Legislative Council call on the Government to amend the Road Safety Act 1986 to make it no longer an offence for a driver who is unimpaired to have detectable THC in their blood or oral fluid, provided they have taken their medication as prescribed.

Entheogenesis Australis

Entheogenesis Australis (EGA) is a charity using education to help grow the Australian ethnobotanical community and their gardens. We encourage knowledge-sharing on botanical research, conservation, medicinal plants, arts, and culture.


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